(MESSAGE OF THE QUR’AN) SurahAl-A'raf - Dr. Israr Ahmad

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Translation and Brief Elucidation

Dr.Israr Ahmad


(The Heights)

(Recap of verses 59 – 72of Surah7, Al-A'raf and exposition of

verses73 – 84 of the same Surah, inclusive)

Translator’s note:

For the sake of continuity and coherent explanation, most of the general discourse has been made by employing the ‘male’ as a prototype, which is in no way meant to be diminutive of the opposite gender or to disrespect the status of women.

Moreover, each verse (Verse) has been kept as a continuum in order to prevent the misrepresentation of meanings, which may occur when the verses are broken up and the translation of those verses becomes kaput when done in bits and pieces.

Cross-references taken from other parts of the Qur’an and the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (SAAW) are provided in italics.

The Translation of the Holy Qur’an done by the Message International – USA (www.FreeQuran.com) and edited by Saheeh International – UK, Dar Al Mountada – Saudi Arabia and Al Qummah – Egypt has been used in order to synchronize the use of modern English Language, which we believe will give a more accomplished sense of understanding to Today’s mind.

Recap of verses 59 – 72 (inclusive) of Surah 7, Al-A'raf

This section of Surah Al-A'raf (Verses 59 through 64) recounts the address of Prophet Noah (AS) to his people, their disbelief, and their fate.

The people of Noah (AS) were the first to drift away, as a whole, from the right way of life which had been followed by the Prophet Adam (AS) and his descendants till then. Allah (SWT), therefore, sent His (SWT) messenger Noah (AS) to guide and reform them.In light of the Qur'anic allusions and Biblical statements, it seems almost certain that the people of Noah (AS) inhabited the land presently known as Iraq. Allah (SWT) Knows Best!

The central theme of the teachings of Prophet Noah (AS), like all the messengers of Allah (SWT), was the Oneness of Allah (Tauhid). Prophet Noah (AS) warned his (AS) people of an impending punishment if they did not worship Allah (SWT) alone, without associating partners with Him (SWT).

It is evident from theQur'anic descriptions of the people of Noah (AS) that they were neither ignorant of, nor denied the existence of Allah (SWT), nor were they opposed to the idea of worshipping Him (SWT). Their real malady was polytheism. They had associated others with Allah (SWT) in His (SWT) Godhead and considered them akin to Allah (SWT) in their claim that human beings should worship them as well. When corruption reached a high peak, Allah (SWT) sent Noah (AS) to improve the state of affairs. For long, Noah (AS) strived with patience and wisdom to bring about reform. All his (AS) efforts, however, were thwarted by the clergy which craftily kept people under its powerful hold. Eventually, Noah (AS) prayed to Allah (SWT) not to spare even a single unbeliever on the face of the earth, for they would go about misguiding human beings, and their progeny would likewise be wicked and ungrateful.Prophet Noah (AS) called his (AS) people towards the Oneness of Allah (SWT). He (AS) warned them of impending punishment if they kept associating partners with Allah (SWT). In response to his (AS) warning the chiefs of his (AS)nation said to him (AS) that we find you in a manifest error and a mistake. Prophet Noah (AS) retorted by asserting to his (AS)nation that he (AS) was not in error, instead, he being the messenger (AS) from the Lord of all the worlds, was the one rightly guided and his (AS) nation was the one in error and transgressing.

Despite the message and warnings of Prophet Noah (AS), his (AS) nation rejected him (AS), denied him (AS), and refuted him (AS). Allah (SWT) saved Prophet Noah (AS) and the handful of believers and those with him (AS) in the Ark, that he (AS) made, under the command of Allah (SWT). The rest of his (AS) nation was drowned in a devastating flood for rejecting the Signs of Allah (SWT) and being a people blind towards the Truth.

From among the people of Prophet Noah (AS) saved from the flood were three of his (AS) sons. The nations of the world today are the progeny of those three sons of Noah (AS), Sam (AS), Ham (AS), and Yafis (AS). The Qur’an relates the history of the Semitic nations, the progeny of Sam (AS). It is believed by religious historians, anthropologists, and sociologists that the progeny of Yafis (AS) migrated to the north towards the areas of Kurdistan. Allah (SWT) Knows Best!

This section of Surah Al-A'raf (Verses 65 through 72) recounts the address of Prophet Hud (AS) to his people, their disbelief, and their fate. In the Holy Qur’an, after the people of Prophet Noah (AS), people of Aad are described as a very strong nation, both physically and as a civilization.

Allah (SWT) sent His (SWT) messenger Hud (AS), described as their brother, from within themselves, to the nation of Aad. The central theme of the teachings of Prophet Hud (AS), was the same as that of Prophet Noah (AS), i.e., the Oneness of Allah (Tauhid). Prophet Hud (AS) commanded his (AS) people to worship Allah (SWT) alone, without associating partners with Him (SWT). Prophet Hud(AS), warned his nation to acquire Taqwa (fear Allah SWT) to save themselves from impending punishment and strive for the mercy of Allah (SWT). Aad, an ancient Arab people, were well-known throughout Arabia for their proverbial glory and grandeur. And when they were destroyed, their extinction also became proverbial. According to the Qur'an, the people of Aad lived mainly in the Ahqaf region which is situated to the southwest of the Empty Quarter (al-Rub' al-Khali). That lies between Hijaz, Yemen, and Yamamah. It was from there that the people of Aad spread to the western coast of Yemen and established their hegemony in Oman, Hadramawt, and Iraq. There is very little archaeological evidence about the Aad. Only a few ruins in South Arabia are ascribed to them. Allah (SWT) Knows Best!

Just like the nation of Prophet Noah (AS) had refuted him (AS), the chiefs among the nation of Prophet Hud (AS) said to him (AS) that we find you in manifest error and mistake. Prophet Hud (AS) retorted by asserting to his (AS) nation that he (AS) was not being foolish nor was he (AS) a liar or in error, instead, he (AS) was the messenger (AS) from the Lord (SWT) of all the worlds (SWT). Prophet Hud (AS) told his (AS) nation that he (AS) is conveying to his (AS) people the message of Allah (SWT) and giving them sincere and trustworthy advice (and warnings) from Allah (SWT) .Prophet Hud (AS) said to his (AS) nation that are you wondering and amazed that a reminder has come to you from Allah (SWT) via a man, i.e., Prophet Hud(AS), from among yourselves, i.e., Aad?

In essence, they resented being called out for polytheism (shirk) and wanted to continue worships of other deities other than Allah (SWT), as their forefathers had done. They challenged Prophet Hud (AS) to bring upon them the severe punishment that he (AS) was warning his (AS) people about if whatever he (AS) was saying was true. They said it satirically as they did not believe that any punishment could ever befall them.Prophet Hud(AS) said to them that they had already been engulfed in the curse and wrath of Allah (SWT), as they were disputing with a messenger (AS) of Allah (SWT) and falsely arguing about the veracity of mere names that were invented by them and their forefathers, as false deities. The argument made by Prophet Hud (AS) against their false beliefs was simple and profound – bring proof from Allah (SWT) of the existence and authority of such deities that you worship besides Allah (SWT)! Prophet Hud (AS) said that wait for that divine punishment and I (AS) am waiting, too, and the Truth will manifest itself and you will see who was in error.

Thus, Allah (SWT) brought His (SWT) wrath on the nation of Aad and saved Prophet Hud (AS) and the believers from within his (AS) nation, with His (SWT) mercy. Allah (SWT) cut the roots of that nation who had denied, refuted, and rejected His (SWT) revelations and His (SWT) Prophet Hud (AS). The Qur'an informs us that Allah (SWT) brought about the total extermination of the Aad, a fact borne out by both Arabian historical traditions and recent archaeological discoveries. The Aad people were so destroyed and their monuments so completely effaced that the Arab historians refer to them as one of the umam ba'idah (extinct peoples) of Arabia. The Arab tradition also affirms that the only people belonging to the Aad who survived were the followers of the Prophet Hud (AS).

Allah (SWT) Knows Best!


Exposition of verses 73 – 84 of Surah Al-A'raf

Verse 73

وَاِلٰی ثَمُوْدَ اَخَاھُمْ صٰلِحًا ۘ قَالَ یٰقَوْمِ اعْبُدُوا اللہَ مَا لَکُمْ مِّنْ اِلٰہٍ غَیْرُہٗ ۭ قَدْ جَاۗءَتْکُمْ بَیِّنَۃٌ مِّنْ رَّبِّکُمْ ۭ ھٰذِہٖ نَاقَۃُ اللہِ لَکُمْ اٰیَۃً فَذَرُوْھَا تَاْکُلْ فِیْٓ اَرْضِ اللہِ وَلَا تَمَسُّوْھَا بِسُوْۗءٍ فَیَاْخُذَکُمْ عَذَابٌ اَلِیْمٌ (۷۳)

And to the Thamud [We sent] their brother Salih.  He said, "O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him. There has come to you clear evidence from your Lord. This is the she-camel of Allah [sent] to you as a sign. So leave her to eat within Allah's land and do not touch her with harm, lest there seize you a painful punishment.

There is abundant historical and scriptural evidence to suggest that the Prophet Hud(AS) and the Momineen of Aad saved from the divine wrath migrated to the northwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. They came to be known as Thamud and are another ancient Arab people, next only to the Aadin fame. Legends relating to them were quite popular in pre-Islamic Arabia.The Thamud lived in the north-western part of Arabia which is still called Al-Hijr. In the present time a place between Madinah and Tabuk, called Mada'in Salih, used to be the capital town of Thamud and was then also known as al-Hijr, the rock-hewn city. This has survived to this day and is spread over thousands of acres. It was once inhabited by no less than half a million people. At the time of the revelation of the Qur'an, Arab trade caravans passed through the ruins of this city.The Thamud used to carve out their homes in the mountains. The ruins of these strong ancient homes with very big halls carved out of granite rocks are standing even today.

When the nation of Thamud transgressed and went astray by committing polytheism among other grave sins, Allah (SWT) sent Prophet Salih (AS), from among them. The central theme of the teachings of Prophet Salih (AS), like all the messengers of Allah (SWT), was the Oneness of Allah (Tauhid). Prophet Salih (AS) warned his (AS) people of an impending punishment if they did not worship Allah (SWT) alone, without associating partners with Him (SWT).

The context of the reply by the nation of Prophet Salih (AS) indicates that the clear proof referred to in the verse stands for the she-camel which is also spoken of as ‘a Divine portent’. It is established in this verse and in various other parts of the Qur’an that the Thamud themselves had asked the Prophet Salih (AS) to produce some sign (miracle) to support his (AS) claim that he (AS) was Allah’s (SWT) Messenger (AS).

Allah (SWT) made appear a pregnant she-camel as a miracle. The miraculous appearance of the she-camel from a rock reinforces the fact that Prophet Salih (AS) had presented it as a 'Divine portent' and warned his(AS) people of dire consequences if they harmed it. He(AS) explained to them that the she-camel would graze freely in their fields;  that on alternate days she and other animals would drink water from their well. They were also warned that if they harmed the she-camel they would be immediately seized by a terrible chastisement from Allah (SWT).

Note: While the Prophet (SAAW) was on his way, to Tabuk, he (SAAW) directed the Muslims to look upon these monuments and urged them to learn the lessons which sensible persons ought to learn from the ruins of a people that had been destroyed because of their evil-doing. The Prophet (SAAW) also pointed to the well from which the she-camel of the Prophet Salih (AS) used to drink. He (SAAW) instructed the Muslims to draw water from that well alone and to avoid all other wells. The mountain pass through which that she-camel came to drink was also indicated by the Prophet (SAAW). The pass is still known as Fajj al-Naqah. The Prophet (SAAW) then gathered the companions who had been directed to look around the city of rocks and addressed them. He (SAAW) drew their attention to the tragic end of the Thamud, who by their evil ways had invited Allah’s (SWT) punishment upon themselves. The Prophet (SAAW) asked them to move out hastily as the place was a grim reminder of Allah’s (SWT) wrath. He (SAAW) called for reflection and repentance. (Ref: IbnKathir)

Verse 74

 وَاذْکُرُوْٓا اِذْ جَعَلَکُمْ خُلَفَاۗءَ مِنْۢ بَعْدِ عَادٍ وَّ بَوَّاَکُمْ فِی الْاَرْضِ تَتَّخِذُوْنَ مِنْ سُھُوْلِھَا قُصُوْرًا وَّ تَنْحِتُوْنَ الْجِبَالَ بُیُوْتًا ۚ فَاذْکُرُوْٓا اٰلَاۗءَ اللہِ وَلَا تَعْثَوْا فِی الْاَرْضِ مُفْسِدِیْنَ (۷۴)

And remember when He made you successors after the Aad and settled you in the land, [and] you take for yourselves palaces from its plains and carve from the mountains, homes. Then remember the favours of Allah and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption."

Prophet Salih (AS) impressed upon his (AS) nation to recall and be grateful for the fact that after the Aad were destroyed, Allah (SWT) made them their successors, establishing them as a mighty nation on earth. Prophet Salih (AS) summoned his (AS) nation to reflect on the blessings bestowed on them by Allah (SWT) concerning their tremendous skills in civil engineering and architecture. As mentioned earlier, the Thamud were highly skillful in rock-carving and made huge mansions by carving the mountains. They built palaces and fortresses on the plains and carved out homes in the mountains and the rocks. The Prophet Salih (AS) invited his (AS) nation to remember all these bounties of Allah (SWT) and stop polytheism. He (AS) commanded them to cease going about on the earth making mischief and causing corruption in the land and instead follow the right path.

It must be noted that the Qur'an asks people to draw a lesson from the tragic end of the Aad and Thamud. Allah (SWT) destroyed the wicked Aad and Thamud. In their tragic end is a lesson for the Muslims, that He (SWT) can also destroy the Muslims if they become wicked and mischievous.

Verse 75  

 قَالَ الْمَلَاُ الَّذِیْنَ اسْتَکْبَرُوْا مِنْ قَوْمِہٖ لِلَّذِیْنَ اسْتُضْعِفُوْا لِمَنْ اٰمَنَ مِنْھُمْ اَتَعْلَمُوْنَ اَنَّ صٰلِحًا مُّرْسَلٌ مِّنْ رَّبِّہٖ ۭ قَالُوْٓا اِنَّا بِمَآ اُرْسِلَ بِہٖ مُؤْمِنُوْنَ (۷۵)

Said the eminent ones who were arrogant among his people to those who were oppressed – to those who believed among them, "Do you [actually] know that Salih is sent from his Lord?" They said, "Indeed we, in that with which he was sent, are believers."

Those who had power and authority in the social and the political hierarchy of Thamud considered Prophet Salih (AS) to be an imminent threat to their supremacy. Those “eminent people” – the elite of the society – rejected the message of Prophet Salih (AS) and tried to use their influence on those who had believed in Prophet Salih (AS). They tried to sway them away from the right path. The followers of Prophet Salih (AS) were mostly the poor and oppressed of the society. The powerful clan of disbelievers argued with the poor and oppressed about the veracity of the prophethood of Prophet Salih (AS). The chiefs of the nation of Prophet Salih (AS) virtually directed the oppressed believers of the nation to quit following Prophet Salih (AS). The oppressed believers of Thamud replied that they firmly believed that Prophet Salih (AS) was the Messenger (AS) of Allah (SWT) and refused to go astray from the right path.

It must be noted that the portrayal of the nation of Thamud mirrors the same which was happening in Makkah at the time of Prophet Muhammad (SAAW). It was a common theme that has occurred with every messenger (AS) of Allah (SWT), sent to any nation. The chiefs of every nation tried to influence the weak, poor, and oppressed believers into going astray.

Verse 76

قَالَ الَّذِیْنَ اسْتَکْبَرُوْٓا اِنَّا بِالَّذِیْٓ اٰمَنْتُمْ بِہٖ کٰفِرُوْنَ (۷۶)

Said those who were arrogant, "Indeed we, in that which you have believed, are disbelievers."

The arrogant chiefs of Thamud dismissed the message of Prophet Salih (AS) haughtily. They declared that they deny and repudiate the belief in the Oneness of Allah (SWT) and the prophethood of Prophet Salih (AS), the belief of the poor and the oppressed. The chiefs of every nation tried to influence the weak, poor and oppressed believers into going astray.

Verse 77

 فَعَقَرُوا النَّاقَۃَ وَعَتَوْا عَنْ اَمْرِ رَبِّھِمْ وَقَالُوْا یٰصٰلِحُ ائْتِنَا بِمَا تَعِدُنَآ اِنْ کُنْتَ مِنَ الْمُرْسَلِیْنَ (۷۷)

So they hamstrung the she-camel and were insolent toward the command of their Lord and said, "O Salih, bring us what you promise us if you should be of the messengers."

The wicked disbelievers of Thamud killed the she-camel. They defied their Lord’s (SWT) command and violated His (SWT) sign. They had no remorse for their sins. They challenged Prophet Salih (AS) to bring upon them the tormenting punishment that he (AS) had promised if they hurt the she-camel. They had gone astray so far that even after committing the grave sin they tried to use it as a justification for their claim that Prophet Salih (AS) was not the Messenger (AS) of Allah (SWT) as they were not engulfed by the wrath of Allah (SWT), immediately after their transgression. Little did they know that the decree had been made and the tormenting punishment was around the corner!

Although the she-camel was killed by one individual, as we learn also from Surahs Al-Qamar (54) and Ash-Shams (91), the whole nation was held guilty since it stood at the killer's back. Every sin which is committed with the approval and support of a nation is a national crime even if it has been committed by one person. The Qur'an goes a step further and declares that a sin that is committed publicly in a gathering is considered to be the collective sin of the people who tolerate it.

Verse 78

 فَاَخَذَتْھُمُ الرَّجْفَۃُ فَاَصْبَحُوْا فِیْ دَارِھِمْ جٰثِمِیْنَ (۷۸)

So the earthquake seized them, and they became within their home [corpses] fallen prone.

They were seized by an earthquake. They suffered a sudden, horrific and painful death inside their strong dwellings.

The other Qur'anic expressions used for the calamity are 'Rajifah' (earthquake) (Al-Nazi'at, 79:6); 'Sayah' (awesome cry) (Hud, 11:67); 'Sa'iqah' (thunderbolt) (Al-Baqarah, 2:55); and 'Taghiyah' (roaring noise) (Al-Haqqah, 69: 5)

Thus, Allah (SWT) brought His (SWT) wrath on the nation of Thamud and saved Prophet Salih (AS) and the believers from within his (AS) nation, with His (SWT) mercy. Allah (SWT) cut the roots of the nation that had denied, refuted, and rejected His (SWT) revelations and His (SWT) Prophet Salih (AS).

Verse 79

 فَتَوَلّٰی عَنْھُمْ وَقَالَ یٰقَوْمِ لَقَدْ اَبْلَغْتُکُمْ رِسَالَۃَ رَبِّیْ وَنَصَحْتُ لَکُمْ وَلٰکِنْ لَّا تُحِبُّوْنَ النّٰصِحِیْنَ (۷۹)

And he [i.e., Salih] turned away from them and said, "O my people, I had certainly conveyed to you the message of my Lord and advised you, but you do not like advisors."

With his (AS) nation destroyed, Prophet Salih (AS) turned away from them lamenting that he (AS) had conveyed the message of Allah (SWT) to them completely and wholeheartedly by commanding them to believe in One Lord (SWT), give up polytheism, believe in him (AS) as the Messenger (AS) of Allah (SWT), be grateful for Allah’s (SWT) blessings on them, cease causing corruption in the land, follow the right path and glorify Allah (SWT) by following the commandment about not hurting the she-camel. Prophet Salih (AS )advised his (AS) nation sincerely to save them from the disaster, but the nation of Thamud proved to be a people who turned a deaf ear to the message of Allah (SWT) delivered by the Prophet Salih (AS).

Verse 80

وَلُوْطًا اِذْ قَالَ لِقَوْمِہٖٓ اَتَاْتُوْنَ الْفَاحِشَۃَ مَا سَبَقَکُمْ بِھَا مِنْ اَحَدٍ مِّنَ الْعٰلَمِیْنَ (۸۰)

And [We had sent] Lot when he said to his people, "Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds [i.e., peoples]?

The land inhabited by the people of Prophet Lot (AS), which lies between Iraq and Palestine, is known as Trans-Jordan. According to the Bible, its capital town was Sodom, situated either somewhere near the Dead Sea, or presently lies submerged under it. Apart from Sodom, according to the Talmud, there were four other major cities, including Gomorrah, and the land lying between these cities was dotted with such greenery and orchards that the whole area looked like one big garden enchanting any onlooker.The whole area was a cradle of a very robust civilization. However, the whole nation was destroyed and today we cannot find any trace of it. So much so that it is difficult to even locate the main cities which they inhabited. If anything remains as a reminder of that nation, it is the Dead Sea which is also called the “Sea of Lot”. The Prophet Lot (AS) who was a nephew of the Prophet Abraham (AS), accompanied his (AS) uncle (AS) as he (AS) moved away from Iraq. Allah (SWT) bestowed prophethood upon him (AS) and assigned to him (AS) the mission of reforming the misguided people of Sodom and Gomorrah. The people of Sodom have been referred to as the people of Prophet Lot (AS) presumably because Prophet Lot (AS) may have established matrimonial ties amongst those people. Allah (SWT) Knows Best!

The deviant act of Sodomy (the act of sex in the rectum) has been derived from Sodom. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were engaged in the most heinous of sexual perversions – male homosexuality. The central theme of the teachings of Prophet Lot (AS), like all Messengers (AS) of Allah (SWT), was the Oneness of Allah (Tauhid). Prophet Lot (AS) warned his (AS) people of an impending punishment if they did not worship Allah (SWT) alone, without associating partners with Him (SWT). Prophet Lot (AS) also commanded his (AS) nation to stop the most heinous kind of sexual perversions. It is made clear in the verse that the nation of Prophet Lot (AS) was the first in human history to commit the perversion of male homosexuality.

Verse 81

 اِنَّکُمْ لَتَاْتُوْنَ الرِّجَالَ شَھْوَۃً مِّنْ دُوْنِ النِّسَاۗءِ ۭ بَلْ اَنْتُمْ قَوْمٌ مُّسْرِفُوْنَ (۸۱)

Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people."

The Qur'an refers elsewhere to the many evil deeds of the nation of Prophet Lot (AS). Here the Qur'an confines itself to mentioning the most ignominious of crimes that invited Allah’s (SWT) scourge upon them. Thus, the verse delineates the entire philosophy of sexual perversion and calls all such acts transgression.

The hideous act of sodomy, for which the people of Sodom earned notoriety, has no doubt been committed by perverts since the destruction of the nation of Prophet Lot (AS). The Greek philosophers had the depraved distinction of glorifying it as a moral virtue. It was left, however, for the modern West to vigorously propagate sodomy so much so that it was declared legal by the legislatures of a few countries. All this has been done in the face of the obvious fact that this form of sexual intercourse is patently unnatural. Allah (SWT) created distinctions between the sexes of all living beings for reproduction and perpetuation of the species. As far as the human species is concerned, their creation into two sexes is related to another end as well: that the two should come together to bring into existence the family and establish human civilization. Because of this, not only were human beings divided into two sexes but each sex was made attractive to the other. The physical structure and psychological make-up of each sex were shaped to forge bonds of mutual cordiality between the members of the two sexes. The sexual act, which is intensely pleasurable is at once a factor leading to the fulfillment of nature's purposes as underlined by the sexual division of humankind as well as a reward for fulfilling these purposes.

The crime of the person who commits sodomy in flagrant opposition to this scheme of things is not limited to that act alone. He commits along with it many other crimes. First, he wages war against his nature, against his inherent psychological predilection. This causes a major disorder which leads to highly negative effects on the lives of both the parties involved in that unnatural act - effects which are physical, psychological as well as moral. Second, he acts dishonestly with nature since while he derives sexual pleasure, he fails to fulfill the societal obligation of which this pleasure is a recompense. Third, such a person also acts dishonestly with human society. For, although he avails himself of the advantages offered by various social institutions when he has an opportunity to act, he uses his abilities in a manner that not only fails to serve society but harms it also. Apart from neglecting the obligations he owes to society, he renders himself incapable of serving the human race and his own family. He also produces effeminacy in at least one male and potentially pushes at least two females towards sexual corruption and moral depravity.

Verse 82

 وَمَا کَانَ جَوَابَ قَوْمِہٖٓ اِلَّآ اَنْ قَالُوْٓا اَخْرِجُوْھُمْ مِّنْ قَرْیَتِکُمْ ۚ اِنَّھُمْ اُنَاسٌ یَّتَطَھَّرُوْنَ (۸۲)

But the answer of his people was only that they said, "Evict them from your city!  Indeed, they are men who keep themselves pure."

It is evident from the present verse that the people of the nation of Prophet Lot (AS) were not only shameless and corrupt but were also a people who had sunk into moral depravity to such a degree that even the presence of a few righteous persons had become intolerable to them. Their moral degradation left them with no patience for anyone who sought to bring about any moral reform. Even the slightest element of purity found in their society was too much for them, and they simply wished to have their society purged of it. They mocked and ridiculed those with pure souls and devoted themselves to upright behaviour.

When these people reached such a low point of wickedness and hostility to good, Allah (SWT) decreed that they be wiped out altogether. When the collective life of a people becomes bereft of goodness and purity, it forfeits the right to exist on earth.

Verse 83

 فَاَنْجَیْنٰہُ وَاَھْلَہٗٓ اِلَّا امْرَاَتَہٗ ڮ کَانَتْ مِنَ الْغٰبِرِیْنَ (۸۳)

So We saved him and his family, except for his wife; she was of those who remained [with the evildoers].

As the Qur'an mentions elsewhere, Prophet Lot's (AS) wife supported her disbelieving relatives to the last. Hence, when Allah (SWT) directed Prophet Lot (AS) and his (AS) followers to leave the town and migrate from that corrupt land, Prophet Lot’s (AS) wife was among those who were left behind with the transgressors.

This inference can also be drawn from Surah Al-Tahrim, 66:10.

Verse 84

 وَاَمْطَرْنَا عَلَیْھِمْ مَّطَرًا ۭ فَانْظُرْ کَیْفَ کَانَ عَاقِبَۃُ الْمُجْرِمِیْنَ (۸۴)

And We rained upon them a rain [of stones]. Then see how was the end of the criminals.

The 'rainfall' in the verse does not refer to the descent of water from the sky. It refers rather to the volley of stones that decimated the entire nation and civilization. The Qur'an itself mentions that their habitations were turned upside down and ruined.

Ref: (Hud,11:82-3); (Al-Hijr, 15:74-Ed.)

Note:In the light of this verse and other references in the Qur'an, sodomy is established as one of the deadliest sins; and it incurred Allah’s (SWT) scourge on those who indulged in it. We also know from the teachings of the Holy Prophet (SAAW) that the Islamic state should purge society of this crime and severely punish those guilty of it. There are several traditions from the Prophet (SAAW) which mention that very severe punishments were inflicted on both partners of this act. According to one tradition, the Prophet (SAAW) ordered both the partners to be put to death.

(See IbnMajah, Kitab al-Hudud, 'Bab man 'amila 'AmalQawmut'- Ed.)

In another tradition, it has been added that the culprits should be put to death whether they are married or unmarried.

(IbnMajah, Kitab al-Hudad - Ed.)

In another tradition, it has been said that both parties should be stoned (to death).

(IbnMajah, Kitab al-Hudad, 'Bab man 'amila 'AmalQawmLut' - Ed.)

However, since no case of sodomy was reported in the lifetime of the Prophet (SAAW), the punishment did not acquire a very clear and definitive shape.

Among the Companions, Hazrat Ali (RA) is of the view that such sinners should be beheaded and instead of being buried should be cremated. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) also held the same view. However, Hazrat Umar (RA) and Hazrat Uthman (RA) suggest that the sinners be made to stand under the roof of a dilapidated building, which should then be pulled down upon them. Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) holds the view that those guilty of such a sinful act should be thrown from the top of the tallest building of the habitation and then pelted with stones. (See al-Fiqh 'ala al-Madhahib al-Arba'ah, vol. 5, pp. 141-2 - Ed.)

As for the jurists, Imam Shafi (RAA) pronounces the punishment of death on both partners of sodomy irrespective of their marital status, and of their role whether it be active or passive. According to Sha'bi, Zuhri, Malik, and Ahmad b. Hanbal (RAA), they should be stoned to death. Sa'id b. al-Musayyib, 'Ata', Hasan Basri, Ibrahim Nakha'i, Sufyan Thawri, and Awa'i (RAA) believe that such sinners deserve the same punishment as laid down for unlawful sexual intercourse: that unmarried one should be lashed a hundred times and exiled, and that married ones should be stoned to death. Imam Abu Hanifah (RAA), however, does not recommend any specific punishment. For him, the sinner should be awarded, depending on the circumstances of each case, some deterrent punishment. According to one of the reports, the same was the view of Shafi'i. (See IbnQudamah, al-Mughni, vol. 8, pp. 187-8 - Ed.)

It should also be made clear that it is altogether unlawful for the husband to perpetrate this act on his wife. The Prophet (SAAW), according to a tradition in Abu Da'ud, said: 'Cursed be he who commits this act with a woman.'

(Abu Da'ud, Kitab al-Nikah, 'Bab fi Jami ' al Nikah' - Ed.)

In other collections of Hadith such as Sunan of Ibn Majah and Musnad of Ahmad b. Hanbal, we find the following saying of the Prophet (SAAW): 'Allah will not even look at him who commits this act of sodomy with his wife in her rectum.'

(IbnMajah, Kitab al-Nikah', 'Bab al-Nahy'anItyan al-Nisa' fi Adbarihinn', Ahmad b. Hanbal, Musnad, vol. 2, p. 344 - Ed.)

Likewise, the following saying of the Prophet (SAAW) is mentioned in Tirmidhi: 'He who makes sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman, or indulges in sodomy with a woman, or calls on a soothsayer, believing him to be true, denies the faith sent down to Muhammad (SAAW).'

(IbnMajah, Kitab al-Taharah, 'Bab al-Nahy 'an ityan al-Ha'id'- Ed.)


And Allah (SWT) Knows Best!